Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Ahh, memories!

Had a great talk with my younger sister this evening. "Twit" (as she's affectionately known) is turning 40 in six days. It's hard to believe. At first she accused me of having a mailing sent to her from AARP. Sounds like something I would do, but I can't claim responsibility. I had to practically swear on my son's life that I was innocent before she finally put that notion to rest.

Then we began reminiscing about the house we grew up in. Why? It is on the market. We both literally grew up in that wonderful little house. Mom and Dad purchased it in 1964 for $14,900.00. The best thing going for it is the school district (Madeira). Now it's listed for a whopping $179,900.00!

Our old house.

It's amazing how much of it is still the same after Mom and Dad redecorated in the late '70's. The kitchen is the same. The clothesline still stands in the back yard. That wonderful old carport...the one I had no problem climbing up to, but was scared to death to get down from. My folding desk is still in "my" bedroom!

If I had the money, I'd buy it...ridiculous price or not. Some memories...are priceless!


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