Wednesday, November 17, 2004

That and a nickel...

...used to get you a cup of coffee, or so the saying goes.

Well, it's official. I'm off on another business trip. This time I'm headed for 3 days to Des Moines, Iowa. I suppose that is a step livelier than Owensboro, KY...but the proof will be in the pudding, or so the saying goes.

I left work a few minutes early today to meet a friend for dinner. He and I have been friends for 8-9 years now. He had an hour to kill before he had to leave, so he and I made plans to grab a quick bite to eat. It had been a while since we last sat down, but it seemed like it was only yesterday, or so the saying goes.

Naturally we caught up on things since our last time together. Things with him and his partner are fine. He is having parenting issues, and so we discussed our respective children. He asked why I was still single, and I told him the truth...I'm not ready to put my heart on the line. Yes, it's a comfort zone issue. We both agreed that I can't let my fears control me. Naturally, the hour flew by (or so the saying goes), and we soon had to leave.

Since I only managed about 6 hours sleep last night, I'll be hitting the sack early...or so the saying goes.


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