Friday, November 12, 2004

Reverse Psychology

Shhh...don't tell anyone, this is gonna be our little secret!

Who am I kidding, I doubt more than 6 people read this journal anyway....

Much has been said about my marital state (or lack thereof). Most of my friends are involved in committed relationships, yet I stand alone. Part of that is my fault, because I'm a picky person when it comes to potential boyfriends. Still, if I can't get "any" in Vegas, of all places, something is wrong.

I think the answer lies in the fact that I look my relationship status. Regarding the luck of having a partner, they say "when you stop looking, it'll come to you". Yeah, right. I've pretty much given up hope, and will likely depart this earth a lonely old man.

However, I'm not one to quit a game until the last card is played. So, I have come up with a new plan. As of this very moment, I have taken a vow of chastity. No more guys in my bed. The train has left the station. If a guy asks, I'll tell him that the waterbed has seen the last wave made by two people.

Kinda funny that this is a "win/win" situation. If no one comes into my life, my vow has succeeded. On the other hand, if reverse psychology works, and they think they can "break" my vow, then someone will have found me.

I knew that that Psych 101 class would come in handy someday....


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