Thursday, April 28, 2005


Oh no, he di'unt!

I guess Dubya flexed his muscles and got the network wimps to show the press conference after all. The comments on the "Survivor" sites are amazing! Like:

"Watch it with the sound off - this guy is non stop with the smirks and the "I'm the father and I know best" attitude. And yes, I'm from Texas too."


"OK, I'M FROM TEXAS AND I LOVE GEORGE BUT WHAT THE F*** IS THIS????Is he REALLY that blind to see that he has delayed the most popular show IN the US today???George, you just went down a notch in my book!!! EDITED TO SAY...WHATTHE HELL WAS WRONG WITH DOING THIS S*** LAST NIGHT...WHEN NOTHING WORTH WATCHING CAME ON???"

And my favorite:

"By the time I'm old enough to collect Social Security, the money will be spent, the magnetic poles will have shifted, and the Antichrist will have come and gone. So, get this bumbling retard off my screen while I can still enjoy the finer things in life."

Well, it's 9 PM now...time to go watch what's of REAL importance!


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