Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Aging "grays"fully

Today marks the completion of my 43rd year on this planet. Tomorrow, being my birthday, will start my 44th.

Looking back and comparing my last birthday to this one, very little has changed in my life. I think I went on a date this past year. Interesting...I spent more time with Mickey, Donald & Goofy than I did romantically. Yet I have friends who are not quite finished with their current relationships, and are already developing new ones.

I suppose the ones we leave behind never really leave us. I can say a couple of honest things about the last real "love" in my life: 1) It was good while it lasted, and 2) Lose that hair look like Howdy Doody!

Finances are in decent shape...partially because I'm not spending money on anyone other than my son and myself. That's good in a way, isn't it?

My son has started the puberty thing. I suppose THAT is one way that I know that I'm aging. By this time next year he'll be as tall as I am (or maybe taller).

All in all, I've had my up days and my down days...but things are fine.