Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative....
That song is running through my head right about now. Something makes me want to say that it was in a Disney movie..."The Parent Trap", perhaps?
Just three short weeks until our sailing date. Having a little anxiety attack about it at this moment. Why? God bless NBC for running the movie "Titanic" tonight. Yes, I truly know that nothing bad will happen. It's just that the scene with the mother quoting scripture to her children as they fall asleep (just before they die, obviously) has me wanting to keep my little one safe from all harm. And yes, I teared up some.
I know I probably could've picked a better time, but did a little shopping today. I wanted to get a few things to get my garden in decent shape. I didn't buy any perennials, since I now seem to have an intruding four-legged neighbor. For some reason, I thought the cicadas from last year were the root cause of the disappearance of my hosta plants, but now I know it's Bambi. That's right...a beautiful "lost in my woods" doe roaming the woods behind my house, and she has developed a taste for MY vegitation. Why can't she eat weeds or some of the bountiful ivy I have???
Just like the title says, I should accentuate the positive. Matthew and I will be safe and have a wonderful cruise, and my dear little deer will be well fed while I'm gone.